Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Forrest is Fierce and FUN!

The thought of Forrest going away to college is becoming more and more of a reality and I cherish every moment I still have with him home. Forrest keeps me laughing every day. His humor is often dry and quick. I find it very surprisingly entertaining. He keeps me on my toes. He has a million friends that I adore. He is talented beyond anything we have ever taught him to be. He is a protector of the underdog. Forrest can do ANYTHING he puts his mind to. He is smart and creative and strong and determined. He is a Moroni! I rejoice in him! As long as Forrest stays focused on the Savior, he will become a valiant servant in the cause of truth. I believe the Lord can do great things through him.

I appreciate him giving me a day to snap a million pictures of him. Usually he is so silly I can never catch a good one that I can hang on my wall. I'm grateful he gave me today to "snap away" as a willing participant. He keeps us young! We love you Forrest!

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